How Much Should You Be Spending on Your Partner?

How Much Should You Be Spending on Your Partner?

Spending money on gifts for your significant other has almost become a controversial topic in modern times, particularly with the rise of social media. Always being able to compare what we have with what others have has led to an increasing interest in how much people buy for their significant others for big events like birthdays and Christmas. So how much do Brits really spend on gifts for their partners, and how much do they expect to have spent on them too?

How much do Brits expect their partners to spend on them?

We recently ran a survey to reveal how much Brits would expect their current or potential partners to spend on them for different events, from birthdays to Christmas and even on engagement rings and meals out. We surveyed 1500 Brits who have been in a relationship at some point throughout their adult lives to uncover the truth.

What occasions would partners rather have the most spent on them for?

A majority of people, about 53%, expressed that they prefer receiving the most money spent on them during their birthday, with Christmas coming in as the next popular occasion at 24%. When it comes to gender differences, more women, 58% to be precise, would like the most money spent on them for their birthdays compared to men at 49%. Conversely, when it comes to Christmas, more men, 27% as opposed to 22% of women, would appreciate having the most money spent on them over any other occasion.

Interestingly, the desire for a bigger birthday budget increases with age. Among those aged 55 to 64, a whopping 60% would prefer to have more money spent on them for their birthdays compared to any other age group. This suggests that as people get older, they might value the generosity of birthday gifts more than their younger counterparts.

An infographic showing what special occasion would Brits rather have the most money spent on you for

How much would you expect your partner to spend on a gift for a special occasion?

When it comes to special occasions like a new job, promotion, or graduation, nearly half of Brits, around 48%, wouldn't expect their partner to spend anything on a gift. However, for those who do have expectations, the average amount anticipated is about £68. Interestingly, gender plays a role in these expectations, as half of women (50%) and 45% of men mentioned that they wouldn't expect anything. On average, men tend to have higher expectations, envisioning around £87 spent on them, while women expect a more modest £51.

Age also influences these expectations, with individuals between 18 and 24 having the highest average expectations of approximately £125. On the other hand, those over 65 are most likely to express that they don't expect any monetary gifts, with 67% stating so.

How much would you expect your partner to spend on you for your birthday?

When it comes to birthday expectations, 27% of Brits indicate they would anticipate their partner spending between £51 and £100 on their special day, while 11% have slightly higher expectations in the range of £101 to £150. On average, the overall expectation for birthday spending is about £118 among Brits. Interestingly, 19% of individuals expressed that they wouldn't expect anything for their birthday.

In terms of gender differences, men tend to have slightly higher expectations than women. On average, men expect around £125 to be spent on them for their birthday, while women anticipate a slightly lower average of £112. Perhaps women expect more modest or thoughtful gestures compared to the guys!

How much would you expect your partner to spend on you for Christmas?

When it comes to Christmas, about 22% of Brits are thinking their partner should drop between £51 and £100 on them. On average, people in the UK are hoping for a Christmas budget of around £129. Interestingly, again there's a gender difference, as men express a higher expectation of £139 compared to women who have a more modest expectation of £120. Age appears to be a significant factor in these expectations too, with individuals aged 35 to 44 having the highest average Christmas spending expectation at £184.

How much would you expect your partner to spend on you for your anniversary?

32% of Brits wouldn’t expect anything to be spent on them for their anniversary, but 30% would expect up to £50 to be spent. On average, the expected amount of money that Brits expect their partner to spend on them for their anniversary is around £107.

Again, men seem to expect a little more on average than women with an average of £114 compared to £100. However, more men (35% vs 29%) don’t expect anything to be spent on them. The youngest generation (18-24) expect the most to be spent on them, with an average of £172.43 expected for anniversary gifts.

How much would you expect your partner to spend on you for Valentine's?

When it comes to Valentine's Day, the average expectation is again around £107, but surprisingly, a significant 32% wouldn't expect their partner to spend a penny. An equal number of men and women (40% each) have absolutely no expectations from their partners. However, when it comes to averages, men are hoping for a bit more at £88, compared to women who are thinking of a more budget-friendly £55.

a list of The Cities in the UK Expecting the most to be spent on them this Valentines Day

How much does your partner expect you to spend on an engagement ring?

When it comes to engagement rings, Brits have some diverse expectations. About 24% are looking for a more budget-friendly option, hoping their partner spends up to £500. On the other hand, 19% expect between £501 and £1000. The average engagement ring expectation across the UK is around £854.

Women are aiming a bit higher, expecting an average of £990 to be spent on that special ring, while men are envisioning a slightly more modest £710. Interestingly, 7% of women have expensive taste, hoping for a ring that costs over £3000.

The younger crowd, aged 18 to 25, is leading the way with the highest expectations - about 10% in this age group are saying they'd want their partner to spend over £3000 on the engagement ring.

An infographic depicting the Average amount the UK expected to be spent on an engagement ring

Don’t forget about the little things…

When it comes to a meal, almost half of respondents (48%) expect up to £50 to be spent, while nearly a quarter (23%) anticipate a budget between £51 and £100, resulting in an average expectation of £56. Interestingly, women generally expect more to be spent on meals than men; 50% of women prefer up to £50, while 27% are open to spending between £51 and £100. Those aged 65 and above are most likely to expect up to £50 to be spent by their partner on a meal for them.

As for flowers, a fifth of Brits (20%) hope their partners spend up to £10, and 15% expect between £10 and £15, with an average expected spending of £12. As you might guess, more men than women expect nothing to be spent on flowers (22% vs. 43%). Among women, 25% expect up to £10, and 18% anticipate spending between £11 and £15. Interestingly, the younger age group (18-25) prefers to spend more on flowers, with 25% expecting between £11 and £15 to be spent by their partner on flowers for them.

All in all, we Brits actually have quite high expectations of how much our partners should spend on us! Luckily, special occasions don’t come around every month, so you can save up the money you need to treat your partner to everything you think they deserve. You can use our How to build a budget guide to help you figure out how much you need to put away to afford that £107 Valentine’s Day meal.

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